It’s a Sprint: Games Leaving Game Pass January 15th 2025 Edition

Escape Academy by Coin Crew Games

Happy New Year!

The end of 2024 was brutal for everyone (seriously, the universe needs to give it a rest), but with a simple flip of the calendar, I’m feeling reinvigorated. I respect the sentiment that if you need to make changes in your life you shouldn’t wait for an arbitrary date–but I also believe that all forms of motivation and momentum are good. Embrace that spark and run with it. 

Here is our first batch of Game Pass departures for 2025. Let’s kick the year off the right way and grind some games. 

Figment: Journey Into the Mind

Metacritic Score: 75

Playtime estimate according to HowLongToBeat: 5-6.5 hours


Metacritic Score: NA

Playtime estimate according to HowLongToBeat: 23-36 hours

Those Who Remain.

Metacritic Score: 49

Playtime estimate according to HowLongToBeat: 6-8 hours

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Metacritic Score: 78

Playtime estimate according to HowLongToBeat: 79.5-118 hours (multiplayer times)


Metacritic Score: 67

Playtime estimate according to HowLongToBeat: 28.5-39 hours (also multiplayer times)

Escape Academy

Metacritic Score: 79

Playtime estimate according to HowLongToBeat: 5-6 hours

I had a great month with Exoprimal right after it launched but I imagine its community is dead at this point. It was fun and unique but suffered from a nonsensical story and the worst possible crime a Capcom game can commit–not being a new Dino Crisis. Escape Academy, on the other hand, is an easy recommendation. It’s a series of first-person escape rooms, and at only five hours, the perfect candidate to check out before it leaves Game Pass in a couple weeks. 

Do you have any gaming related New Year’s resolutions? I always pick a handful of titles that I’m interested in but have never played, and then promptly neglect them. 

I’ve been trying to finish Nier: Automata for like five years. 

Will you be emptying your backlog? I most certainly won’t–but that’s the beauty of writing this on January first. Everything still feels possible.


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