Virtual Console Dreaming: January 23, 2025 Update

“Again…legendary men…return…”

It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these. 

We’re probably overdue, but Nintendo has had a strange year so far and I wasn’t sure how the build up and roll out of their next console would affect their plans for Switch Online. Regardless, this update brings three more titles to the SNES library: Fatal Fury 2, Super Ninja Boy, and Sutte Hakkun.

Super Ninja Boy is an action RPG that combines a myriad of playstyles (overworld exploration, random battles, side scrolling beat ‘em up, etc.). The internet also says it has a great soundtrack. 

In Sutte Hakkun you play as a glass, birdlike creature that can absorb different colors in order to manipulate the movement of blocks. 

I have no relationship to these titles other than Fatal Fury, and if I remember right, any time the Neo Geo was forced to smush itself onto a Nintendo cartridge, the end result was pretty rough. Still, there aren’t many fighting games currently on the service and I’ll always celebrate when they give us something weird. 

If you’re new here (welcome!), I close every Virtual Console Dreaming article with my personal wishlist for Nintendo Switch Online. The only changes I’ve made since December are I’ve added Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (though I’m still hoping that it’ll be included in MGS: Master Collection Vol. 2 whenever that gets announced) and Onimusha Tactics (because the Game Awards got me hyped for more Onimusha and I forgot the GBA entry even existed).


Pocky and Rocky 2

Secret of Mana


Metal Gear: Ghost Babel 

Mother 3

Onimusha Tactics 

Pokemon Pinball

Tony Hawk misc.  

Nintendo 64

Beetle Adventure Racing

Bomberman 64

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!

Bomberman Hero

Castlevania 64/Legacy of Darkness

Goemon’s Great Adventure

Mischief Makers

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

Quest 64

Snowboard Kids

Snowboard Kids 2

It’s been an extremely busy week at Tactical Reload. I posted two more interviews (one with David Szymanski, the creator of Iron Lung, and the other with Wholesome Games’ organizer and host, Jenny Windom). I also posted coverage of yesterday’s Xbox event which featured deep dives into their AAA lineup for the first half of this year. Spoiler for that article, all those titles look fantastic.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. I hope you have a great weekend.


Virtual Console Dreaming: Ridge Racer 64 Update 


Happy Doomsday to those who celebrate: Xbox Developer Direct 1/23/25 Impressions