Virtual Console Dreaming: Ridge Racer 64 Update 

Ridge Racer 64 by Namco and Nintendo

Nintendo decided to close out January with a surprise addition to Switch Online–and it was a double surprise for me because I didn’t even know the Nintendo 64 had a Ridge Racer title. 

I’ve always associated the franchise with PlayStation consoles, and of course, that infamous E3 press conference. However, this arrives at the perfect time for me. I played R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 roughly a year ago and had a blast. It’s a pretty standard racing game with interesting story elements and incredible style. Its soundtrack (one of the best ever) is now a permanent fixture in my writing rotation.  

Ridge Racer 64 is now available to Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Subscribers. I’ll probably check it out this weekend as a palate cleanser between playing other things. 

As always, here’s my wishlist. Honestly, RR64 would have been a prime candidate for this collection had I known it existed. There have been no changes since last week. 


Pocky and Rocky 2

Secret of Mana


Metal Gear: Ghost Babel 

Mother 3

Onimusha Tactics 

Pokemon Pinball

Tony Hawk misc.  

Nintendo 64

Beetle Adventure Racing

Bomberman 64

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!

Bomberman Hero

Castlevania 64/Legacy of Darkness

Goemon’s Great Adventure

Mischief Makers

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

Quest 64

Snowboard Kids

Snowboard Kids 2

I have a couple new interviews developing but no timeline on them yet. At the very least, I’ll be back next week (or this weekend if the Xbox app cooperates) to report on Game Pass departures. 

Until we meet again, I hope your weekend is magical and filled with snacks. 


It’s a Sprint: Games Leaving Game Pass February 15th Edition


Virtual Console Dreaming: January 23, 2025 Update